    Hon'ble Minister Shri C R Patil
    Hon'ble Minister of State Shri Raj Bhushan Choudhary
    Hon'ble Minister of State Shri V. Somanna

    About the Department

    Water is essential for sustenance of life. It is a limited resource. Water resources of the country are required to be harnessed judiciously to meet the growing requirement of our developing economy. Therefore, development, conservation and management of water resources are crucial.

    The Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR, RD & GR) is mainly responsible for laying down policy guidelines and programmes for the development, conservation and management of water as a national resource. It is also responsible for an overall national perspective of water planning and coordination in relation to diverse uses of water; water laws and legislations; addressing inter-State and trans-boundary water issues; bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation; and general policy guidelines and programmes for assessment, development and regulation of the country’s water resources. DoWR, RD & GR is also responsible for water quality assessment; rejuvenation of river Ganga and its tributaries and also conservation and abatement of pollution in other rivers.

    The Department is also allocated the subjects pertaining to regulation and development of inter-State rivers; implementation of awards of Tribunals; technical guidance, scrutiny, clearance and monitoring of the irrigation, flood control and multi-purpose projects; ground water management; flood proofing; water logging; sea erosion and dam safety.

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