


  1. Planning
    1. Formulation Annual Plans (BE/RE), Five Year Plans, Mid-Term Appraisal Reports and Result Framework Document.
    2. Monitoring of progress of various Schemes/Projects implemented by the Ministry, matters related to Finance Commission and NITI Ayog.
    3. R&D – Matters relating to research and development programme in water sector and Coordination for the Central Sector Plan scheme “Research and Development”
  2. Economic appraisal of all projects.
  3. Annual Report of the Ministry.
  4. Economic evaluation of Central Sector/State Sector schemes implemented by the Ministry.
  5. DBT related issues.
  6. Standing Audit Committees.
  7. Digital payment issues.
  8. Matters relating to O&M Unit viz.
    1. Organisation Analysis.
    2. System/Procedure/Method studies.
    3. Work Measurement Study.
    4. Compliance of provisions of Manual of Office Procedure.
    5. Staff Inspection Unit– Liaison with and implementation of SIU reports.
    6. Liaison with Department of Administrative Reforms, National Archives of India.
    7. Allocation of Business Rules.
  9. Raj Bhasha matters viz.
    1. To ensure the implementation of instructions/directions and constitutional provisions on Official Language, Official Languages Act, Official Languages Rules etc., in the Ministry and its subordinate organizations.
    2. To ensure the implementation of Presidential Orders on the Reports of Committee of Parliament on Official Language and issue instructions to all Sections and Officers in the Ministry and Subordinate Offices.
    3. Translation of Parliament Questions’ answers, Cabinet notes, Standing Committee materials, Annual Report, Statutory reports, Orders, Letters etc. into Hindi.
    4. To ensure constitution of Hindi Salahkar Samiti in the Ministry and holding of its meetings.
    5. To ensure constitution of Official Language Implementation Committee in the Ministry as well as in the subordinate organizations and holding of their regular meetings.
    6. To organize Hindi workshops.
    7. To administer incentive schemes to encourage work in Hindi.
    8. To ensure implementation of Annual Targets for working in Official Language of Hindi as per the Annual Programme received from the Department of Official Language and prepare Annual Assessment Report based on actual achievements vis-a-vis targets fixed.
    9. To collect information regarding implementation of Official Language Policy from various Sections of the Ministry and subordinate organizations through Quarterly Progress Reports and inspections of subordinate offices and sections in the Ministry.
    10. To ensure timely disposal of applications received under RTI Act in respect of implementation of Official Language Policy in the Ministry.